Monday, February 07, 2005

Mugs, Eggs and Uri Geller

I've missed a bit here. It was Saturday night when Christine broke one of my mugs and then Sunday morning when I received a replacement mug with chocolate egg and a box set containing Maltesers egg and tubes of Maltesers combo from her.
This morning my stuff didn't come. Tomorrow morning I have to get up to sign for Gaz's computer that's being delivered.

There's been some interesting things that I've seen on the internet but I don't have tmime to link to them now as I need to get to sleep as soon as possible for getting up in the morning.

Here however is one thing that I just watched nowish. It's a .wmv and it's about 36MB so be warned. It's quite good though, about Uri Geller and people that say they have special powers and how they're just tricks. Download Link

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