Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Why Guernsey Sucks



Anonymous said...

Surely by saying that Guernsey sucks you are going against your very own 7 sins as if you showed love, kindness, generosity and had some self control you would say that Guernsey is an idilic island full of wonderful scenery and beaches. Instead you have chosen to generalise and say that it sucks. Norwegian bashing is acceptable, show some humility to the real decent places out there!!

SCUD said...

Your name is Robert Smith.

I didn't say Guensey sucks. Guensey is .. you know .. Guernsey.

My sins? I don't have any sins old boy, I'm pure goodness.

Éiouque vous allaïz trachier vos ormés? Eh? Éiouque vous allaïz trachier vos ormés!?

Anonymous said...

I agree with the wise young man who said Guernsey sucks and would like to add that norwegians are just a bunch of ugly bean flickers!

SCUD said...

Wow, my own blog, a forum for abuse.

Anonymous said...

I dont believe a forum should name anonymous people! I happen to know that the other anonymous person comes from a really exciting place in England, where Jodie Marsh runs free! Clearly Mr Anonymous knows a lot about flicking Norwegians beans!

Think Guernsey needs to be experienced before it is slated! Its not like its minus 10 all year round with 1 hour of sunlight like Norway.

SCUD said...

Bob Smith. Mr. Smith. It's practically the same as anonymous anyway.

Anonymous said...

If it wasn't for people like me being called Bob Smith, nobody would believe you when you call taxis and say that you are called Mr Smith!