Friday, June 24, 2005

Packing Finds

I'm going home (from Uni) on Saturday so I'm busy packing (obviously not too busy to take time out to post this though). As always when packing I'm coming across loads of old good things that I've put away and forgotten about. The first here is a picture from the same time as the other pictures I posted from the end of school. It's one that Sarah took on a disposable camera, that explains the extreme blurriness, however the condition of the photo has gradually deteriorated since being in my possession. Sarah kindly sent me this picture when I moaned about missing it from the collection I posted.
Me in the arms of my good friend Celyn, both of us giving disturbing queer sly grins at the camera.

The next is a little cartoon I drew it captures someone's personality very well I think. So it's meaningful to them at least if not anyone else.
One figure stands knees slightly bend, hands on head looking down at a recently dropped spliff. He says Oh No. Another stands opposite leaning slightly back one hand on belly the other arm is halfway between a thigh slap and pointing.

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