Saturday, October 08, 2005

Capoeira Origens do Brasil

I love capoeira! I did my fourth lesson today. It was a class at the uni. It was also the first time I played the roda. It was good ... so good.

I started about two weeks ago .. ish. I went to a class on a Wednesday. The class wasn't a beginners but I still enjoyed it, for most of the lesson I was taken aside by one person and shown the ginga. The next time I went to the more beginners class on a Tuesday. It was also good and I went there again, but today has been my favourite session so far. It was in the uni sports all in the same place where I do the uni taekwondo class. There were lots of freshers there, students with no experience, so I had about a weeks head start on them and also the instructor, Bia brought people from her other class, so there were lots of more practised capoeiristas there. Al lot of the lesson the beginners were paired with the more practised people.

Oh. I love it so much. I completely intend to do it for the rest of my life now.


Capoeira Origens do Brasil

Wiki - Capoeira


Anonymous said...

That's not nice. Picking on someone just because of their hair colouring.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're enjoying yourself.
Your Ma told me you've even been to the pub to drink good beer. I am overjoyed for you.
See if you can drink enough Old Grunty's ScumbleFudger to sing the Hedgehog song in public. Then I'll know you're a real student.
Expecting to see a demo of this Capybara mularkey shortly.
(Yes - I know - don't call you shortly.)