Sunday, August 21, 2005

± Fun

I have my first DVD drive. It cost me less than £33 including VAT and delivery. I am very happy with it so far. It is an NEC 3540.


Anonymous said...

You're having so much fun, you're neglecting your blog.

Anonymous said...

Hia, just wanted to say that I just got a ticket for prodigy (standing) cuz I reserved one on wed. And it looks like they are all sold out now.. so was just wondering if u knew who else is going.. Cathrine maybe.. dont mind if its just u and me like :) just relieved that I got a ticket.. anyway hope u are ok and stuff.. speak to u later.

- Gal from the cheeseslicer country

Anonymous said...

Gracious child, does this mean you're going to leave the house and go to a rock concert of some kind? I've heard of these Prodigy people; don't they do that filthy song? Does your Mother know? (Or was that Abba?)

Actually, she's probably whooping with glee at the thought of you doing what we used to call 'ordinary' stuff for young people back in our day when all we wanted to do was get drunk and listen to loud music and mosh and shag. Young people today, spending all their time indoors alone with dvds and computers and stuff, I don't know...

You should get out into the fresh air more often. And do healthy active things, like shagging. You can even combine the two. Bus shelters were popular in my day. That was during the war of course...
Nanny Ogg
PS if you want moshing tips, just ask.
PPS don't wear your vest.
PPPS Hello Sarah dear.

SCUD said...

I went out the other day .. I went out Saturday to see Osmond. I got sunburnt, I wont be making that mistake again in a hurry. My monitor never burns me.

PS The comment you followed was not made by Sarah. I know more than one female in the world you know. Even without leaving the house.

Anonymous said...

I must apologise for assuming you only had one cheesy girl as a chum.

why aren't you blogging?
haven't you done anything interesting?
or are you saving yourself for a glorious review of Sam's play after you see it tonight? (I've been texting with your Mum).

Nanny Ogg
PS still hello Sarah dear.