The massive lack of recent posts I'm blaming on the messy move from my Uni accommodation in The Student Village. Pete's car broke down and ended up needed to be repaired in the south of England (I'm typing now from my bedroom in Barry, Wales). This was back on the 24th June. That day I came home anyway, we all travelled by train leaving the car and all my stuff in England. It wasn't then until 1st July that we went down with a hired van to pick up my things (including computer). We still do not have a car here. It was only this morning that I was woken by a phone call telling me (dazed and confused as Mr. Oddy) what they needed to do to fix the car.
Then there are problems with the internet now. I believe that the wireless adaptor I'm using is somehow corrupting my machine, there has been too many problems with my machine since getting it home and it must have something to do with this silly internet business, absolutely nothing to do with the mess I keep my machine in.
Anyway, that block of text is so large I feel a picture is needed about here.
That's another thing that I found when sorting out my room to leave. It's something done by Sarah that I intended to scan before I went to uni, but have only got around to it today.
Other things that I wanted to put up here include a link to some music I came across and really liked. Here it is. It was the best that came up from that site when I did a search for "funk metal".
Another thing is some flash files that aren't particularly entertaining and you've probably seen them before but they're of some interest. There's the 9/11 pentagon thing and another more arty piece that I quite enjoyed.
There was also the Dance Dance Revolution videos, especially this one (SportsWorld DDR Tech and Freestyle Tournament 2nd Place).
That's about all I can remember for now. There was also some writing I found trying to tidy my bedroom in Barry that I wrote while drunk on a train journey that I want to type up and post here. But that'll have to come later.
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