Thursday, March 03, 2005

Poo Sticks

Imagine you had poo flavoured Pocky, Pocky that was actually coated in poo. Instead of biscuit however, there's just sticks. O.K. That's what my body feels like it is made out of.
I went to bed at about 22:30 and was mostly there until about 15:15. There was around 7:00 though when I got up to take some paracetamol and get a glass of water. And again at around ten when I got out of bed to sign for someone's post.
I'm now feeling cold and poo but I know I have to go to the shop to get some food because if I don't get the food I won't eat and I will die.
I had a shower though and I'm too pooey and scared to go outside with my hair damp.


The Angle Family said...

I came across your blog sort of on accident, as I have insomnia and husband and baby are sleeping while I finish today's blog. Yours is really good. I like the comparison of Pocky - we eat them whenever we go to the Asian food store, and now they have a new name. Poo Sticks. I like it. I also looked at your profile. You might like the movie Beijing Bicycle if you haven't seen it yet, since you like Hong Kong cinema. It's very good. We'll have to watch for Brick to come out in Netflix. It looks interesting.

SCUD said...

Thanks. I like Pocky, I really do. If I open a box, I eat all of them there and then.
I'd say my favourite flavour is strawberry, but that's the only flavour I've ever had, so, it would be.